Welcome to Generation Youth Corps

By Generation Youth Corps
Sun, 03-Jan-2021, 18:13

The Generation Youth Corps-GYC was founded in January 2020 to fill the gap of youth empowerment in Liberia. GYC is a registered Liberian youth-led humanitarian organization that focused on youth empowerment through peer learning, capacity building, and mentorship. We engage, inspire, and motivate young people to be that change agent within their communities. All our peers learning, capacity building, and mentorship training sessions are done freely and open to all members of the targeted communities. We  worked closely with young university graduate/ senior students with pending graduation within one year. These volunteers are trained and deployed at various schools within the country as mentors and teacher assistants for one year. They will be empowered from their experiences as mentors and volunteers, therefore, will be more  confident in jobs search. Our targeted population, for now, are young women, girls, and boys

from ages 10 to 35.

For sustainability, we specialized in Research (project data analysis and report writing, data collections, and designed of research tools through a digital platform such as programming of tablets using SurveyCto, SurveyToGo, Kobo collect, ODK, etc.), organizational Monitoring and evaluation system strengthening, and Financial System strengthening. We applied the Justice Based Approached in all our programs designed. We do believe in the Fridah  Fund's Happiness Manifesto which is feminist Activists approached.



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